and vocal solos
Bring A Torch Jeannette, Isabella SATB
This is the English translation of a favourite Christmas carol, Un flambeau, Jeanette, Isabelle, from 16th century Provence in France. I originally wrote this arrangement for SAB but later adapted it for the standard mixed choir and piano.
Christ Child Lullaby
I wrote this with my friend Carol Huber when I was a grad student at UBC and singing in the Vancouver Canata Singers under James Fankhauser. Jim asked me to contribute a piece for a Christmas concert and I asked Carol for a poem. The recording here is the premiere performance. This can be played on harp or piano, and the obbligato part is optional.
Christmas Lullaby SSA
Years after writing the Christ Child Lullaby, I wrote my own words to the song and republished it as the Christmas Lullaby. Here is the women’s trio version recorded by my wife Karen and her sisters Wanda (soloist) and Andrea.
Companions All Sing Loudly SATB
This energetic Basque carol is arranged here for easy choir, accessible to the average ward choir.
The First Noel
This arrangement was made for all the men in my congregation to sing: most would sing melody, some would sing the bass part from the hymn book, and a few tenors would sing the composed counter melody. The piano part is very easy as well. So, if you need something for mostly untrained singers to perform, this is a good choice (or a trained choir, of course).
The Friendly Beasts
This charming Christmas song is always well received by choirs and audiences. I made an arrangement of Friendly Beasts for a women’s choir who had a member who played a fine viola. I have also adapted it in the past for SAA. The piano accompaniment makes this arrangement quite flexible.
Good King Wenceslas SATB
This arrangement is from a set I wrote for my chorale in 2000. It has been performed several times since then – great fun (if you have a good pianist…)
Huron Carol SAB
This haunting carol was written in around 1642 by Jesuit missionary Jean de Bré Beuf in the wilds of the forests of Lake Huron. It must be one of the earliest original compositions written in the New World. The original words were in Wyandot, the Huron language, now extinct, but the charming English words (having little relation to the original) are a product of the 1920’s.
I Wonder As I Wander SAB
One of my father’s favourites, he would often sing it as a solo at Christmas with me at the piano. I arranged this beautiful Appalacian carol for him to sing with my chorale in 2000.
Jesus Christ the Apple Tree
This lovely American Carol (certainly not limited to Christmas) has become one of my favourites. Like “Adam lay ybounden” from Britten’s Cermony of Carols, this carol makes an explicit link between Jesus’ role as Messiah and the fall in Eden. (See I Corinthians: Since by man came death, by man came also the ressurection of the dead; for as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.)
Lo, How A Rose E'er Blooming
Originally written for three-part women’s voices, I later adapted this arrangement for SAB. This, of course, is the famous Christmas carol written by Michael Praetorius in 1609, the German title of which is “Es ist ein Ros’ entsprungen“.
O Come, O Come Emmanuel SATB
One of the most beloved Christmas carols, this arrangement featuring organ accompaniment was commissioned in 2008 for the Ottawa Stake choir.
O Little Town of Bethlehem SATB
This famous Christmas carol was arranged for my ward choir – simple, yet effective.
On A Christmas Evening
An original Christmas carol I composed for family and friends in 2024. I have included a solo version with piano and an SATB version that can be sung alone or with the piano accompaniment.
Masters In This Hall SATB
A lively carol in antique French style, this was actually written around 1860 by an English poet (I have altered/added lyrics at will).
Rise Up, Shepherds, And Follow SATB
This lovely traditional American carol invites all to rise up and follow — not just the new star, but the babe in the manger.
Silent Night SATB Organ
I have written a few arrangements of Silent Night over the years. Recently I felt like I should do a new, more creative version, the outlines of which came to me in the course of a few minutes. This arrangement is not for the beginner choir, but it will bring ample rewards to the skilled. You won’t have heard anything quite like it before.
Wexford Carol
A beautiful traditional Christmas melody from Ireland that will charm and delight.
Winter Lamentation (Sad Jingle Bells) SA
Anyone who has experienced a Canadian winter will easily relate to this comical choir number. It will be a hit at your winter concert (in northern climes at least!)
When First T'was Heard That Christ Was Born
This Christmas Carol was written when I was a graduate student, on a Sunday when I stayed home with a sick baby. It won a Carol competition at Brock University. The recording is of my Chorale in 2000.
While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks SATB
This delightful chorus is an expansion of a “fuguing” version of this popular carol, found in “The Easy Instructor”, a shape-note book published by William Little in 1798 (my copy is from 1841). The recording is from my chorale’s Christmas concert in 2000.